This is our motto first and foremost. We accept law-abiding merchants including those that have just started in their business endeavor inclusively. The same applies to our team members. We welcome trustworthy and risk-taking employees who are committed to work hard to improve themselves. Duitku keeps growing and learning to be the best payment system in Indonesia and we wish you to grow together with us
We appreciate good comradeship and good bonding time. We facilitate end of week BBQs* on our office’s open air rooftop. We also encourage our team to have fun while exercising!. Want to ask for that new fridge for your department? Challenge our management team to a PingPong competition to leverage your demand!
*following the necessary COVID prevention measurementsOur operational office is located in Graha Handaya, Kebon Jeruk commercial district, while our sales & marketing team is located at Kuningan. For the moment, our operational office functions at 60%-100% WFO capacity.
Duitku comes from all sorts of backgrounds with experience in engineering, design, operations, consulting, healthcare, education, and many others. We know that we can be great at doing something alone, but it will be even better when accomplished together.
There are some of us who have stayed since the beginning of Duitku. It has been a real journey, but we still have room to grow!
Business Division
"We Grow Together" bukan hanya menjadi visi Duitku bagi para Client, tetapi implementasi visi tersebut juga saya rasakan sebagai karyawan disini. Atasan dan co-worker selalu support dan tidak pelit ilmu, sehingga menjadikan Duitku tempat bertumbuh yang baik bagi saya.
IT Division
Bekerja di Duitku mempunyai pengalaman dan kesan tersendiri. Tidak terasa sudah 2 tahun lebih berkerja di Duitku banyak ilmu yang di dapat, suasana team yang kondusif dan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman.
Finance Division
Salah satu ketertarikan saya untuk berkontribusi di Duitku, menurut saya Duitku adalah salah satu perusahaan yang terbaik di Bidangnya, maka hal ini sangat memotivasi saya untuk berkarir dan begabung di Duitku. ternyata selain lingkungan yg sehat, komunikasi sangat terjalin dengan baik antara atasan maupun karyawan.
Duitku is hiring team members for these functions! Don’t find what you’re looking for? Email us to apply independently.
Contact our customer service available
24/7 or register to start using Duitku right now.